Hello, at this time because I have been so terrible at updating my blogs I'm quite sure few people are even attempting to follow them, except maybe my Astonomy blog which actually has a post about astronomy, yet my purpose is to really try and post and maybe, just maybe get some followers.
Now on this blog, about US History I just wanted to stae that my purpose isn't to just blog about he history that we already learned in Hgh School, I want to get down to the nitty gritty about history that is not covered or is covered up. There are parts of our history that we aren't meant to know.
One of my favorite historians and writer is Howard Zinn, now this man may not be familar you, but he is puropsely obscure not by his own wish but because he was considered an anti-american socialist. Yes he had admitted many times befoe his death in Januruary that he considered himself a socialist, but never once described himself as anti-american, he was a true american through and through and loved this country but he did beleive it was time for US historins and the US Government stop their lies when it comes to the true history of this country.
Howard Zinn did not cut any corners or cover up the truth in US History from the day Christopher Columbus "discovered america" to things that were happening p to the ie he died he brought out the truth, it is his legacy and teaching I intend to cover here, the government may give me a socialist moniker but if they do so what, I will be doing my best to bring out the truth.